Getting Induced..Surprise!

So my whole pregnancy has been hell. Since about 15 or 20 weeks I've coughed up and vomited blood and had a ton of chest pain. None of my doctors would tell me anything other than saying it was GERD. No tests..nothing. So FINALLY, after my dr has been on vacation, the midwife replacing him sent me yesterday to get an ultrasound to see if it's gallstones. Turns is. She called me late last night to say they will induce me Sunday (6 days away from my due date) Got a call this morning saying come in today we want to induce you to get this taken care of! Just took the first dose of cytotec and praying for a faster labor my second time around (my first daughter was 21 hrs) Hoping for our Friday the 13th baby since we are soooo into all things horror and Halloween!