Help! Subchorionic hematoma at 22w1d


Feeling super nervous and just need to type this somewhere. Hoping y’all can help out or share stories/information.

I had a super early ultrasound around 5 weeks that showed a subchorionic hemorrhage (SCH). My OBGYN didn’t seem concerned. Nothing was mentioned about a SCH at my NT scan at 12 weeks. I haven’t had any bleeding. Went to my anatomy scan today and baby is measuring exactly on date, everything looks great with her! The ultrasound tech left and a doctor that I don’t know came in and started asking me if I’ve ever bled during this pregnancy and I said no. She pointed out that there was a SCH on the ultrasound. I asked her if it was big and she kind of dodged my question and answered “I’m not really concerned about the size unless you said you were bleeding.” All she told me was to watch for symptoms like bleeding and contractions. My placenta is lying low this pregnancy and I admittedly had some rough sex a few days it possible the SCH is from the sex if my placenta is low and it was rough and my husband is well endowed? She told me to come back in 8 weeks to check on it but after reading other forums about this, I’m wondering if I should go back sooner?! I also can’t determine which is worse: a SCH in the first trimester or second trimester which also stresses me out. Help! Information! Reassurance! Anyone!