False Labor Frustrations


Yesterday was my due date, and much to my delight, last night around 6 PM I started getting contractions! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰They went from 15 minutes apart to 8.5 minutes apart lasting a bit over a minute each time in a span of 2 hours! I was so excited and called everyone to tell them it was finally time! My contractions were really light and sometimes I even had trouble feeling them if my hand wasn't on my belly, but I attributed this to my having an extremely high pain tolerance. The contractions got down to 6 minutes apart and we were putting shoes on. Then they went back to 7 minutes apart, then 10.. Stayed at 10 minutes apart for 3 hours.

By 5 AM my husband says "That's it. This has been going on long enough. We're going in to see what's going on, if nothing else." We get to the hospital about 6 AM and get hooked up to the monitors. I really was having contractions and not feeling them! But the doctor on call checked me and said he's -3, but I'm only half a centimeter dilated and 50% effaced (My doctor told me at my last appointment on Wednesday that I was 90% effaced!). She said the contractions aren't close enough and basically I should be falling over if they're real contractions.

She told me I shouldn't come to the hospital until contractions are between 2 and 5 minutes apart! My doctor was saying 5 minutes apart, so that's what I was shooting for, but this whole thing had thrown me for a loop. So we went back home and the contractions basically stopped entirely. I'm still having random ones, but nothing time-able.

I'm extremely frustrated and over the whole thing. I just want him out and to hold my baby! 😫