My labor story


I went to my weekly appointment on Monday the 9th and the doctor told me I was 1cm dilated and 80% effaced and asked me if I wanted to get induced on Sunday October 15th (my due date) I said yes and we scheduled it for 7 pm Sunday. I went home super excited, told my husband and began to get the last few details around the house ready. Wednesday the 11th comes around and I woke up at 4 am just very uncomfortable and tired. By 6 am my contractions started. They were noticeably painful but it was something I could handle. They were every 10-15 minutes. By 3 pm the pain began to be a little more intense and the contractions were closer together so I called my doctor to see what she wanted me to do. Of course she says go to the hospital. I get to the hospital at 4:30, in pain, and because my contractions were every 6 minutes and I was still only dilated to about 2 cm they sent me home (🙄) even though the pain was soooo real. They wanted to make sure I had contractions every 3 minutes for 2 hours before they admitted me in. My husband and I walk out the hospital and immediately my contractions start happening every 3 minutes. He drops me off at my moms house because he had class and that’s when things got REAL! My mom had the bathtub set up for me and candles lit trying to get me to relax (bless her heart) I get in the tub and I started experiencing the worst pain I have ever felt before. I couldn’t even breath properly. It was so bad i began to throw up. When I couldn’t even take it anymore I got out of the bath tub dried myself in between contractions and all of a sudden I notice I am leaking. Holy crap my water just broke! So I call the hospital because I couldn’t wait another half hour to see how close my contractions were. Mid conversation with the nurse I started having a contraction so she told me to come in. I called my husband, told him my water broke and to meet me at the dad took me literally flying lol we get there and I am SOAKED. What do they tell me? “It’s probably not your water” when I tell you I was ready to kill someone....😡 sure enough they test it and yes indeed, it was my water!!!! By now it was 8:30 pm. The pain was ridiculous so they gave me an epidural. 12 long hours later my doctor decides to show up to check me out and tells me “let’s do some practice pushing” ok...whatever that means. 45 minutes of “practicing” my beautiful little girl entered the world 😍😍😍 6lbs14oz 19.25 inches long. Small little baby but with chunky cheeks and a double chin lol even though she was so small I ripped and had to get uncomfortable and quiet painful by the way! Every little pain I have felt was absolutely worth it! Even the sore nipples I have now tryin to breastfeed (if anyone wants to nipples are on fire lol)