The Calendar Is WRONG !

so I wanted to post this for anyone TTC that has been solely looking at the glow calendar for your "fertile week." DONT! Just don't. my beat advice is listen to your body.

for the past 2 months my husband and I have been TRC with no luck. I was looking at the glow calendar and making sure to have sex during my fertile week, but deep down, I knew that I hasnt seen any EWCM during this week or on my "ovulation day." even before TTC I'd always notice the EWCM and as soon as we started trying I paid attn to the calendar more than my body.

I was using opks during these months as well and getting negative tests and got discouraged that something was wrong. I decided to stop tesying and stop looking at the cake far and listen to my body. this month I started testing RIGHT after my period. negative test after negative test occurred EVEN during my "fertile" week. I stopped testing and stopped stressing and had sex when we wanted. this past week i started having light cramping like I always have when ovulating. I went to pee and boom EWCM . I took an opk test and I was ovulating . I was ovulating TWO WEEKS PAST what glow calculated. my point attention to your body and dont give up. don't ONLY look at the calendar. look at yourself and when you FEEL it may be happening take a test to confirm. it worked for me.

fingers crossed this month is our month.