Real Labor?


This is more for piece of mind rather than medical advice.

Has anyone ever experienced this?

I’m currently 35+2 weeks. At 26 weeks I spent a night in L&D; for intense Braxton Hicks. Since then I’ve contracted every single day. Considered BH because of no dilation but it literally feels like labor starting everyday. Lasts five hours then gone. Two weeks ago (32/33 weeks) I went in again for monitoring for five hours. They keep saying dehydration but the contractions come daily. That time I was a fingertip dilated.

Yesterday I started contractions at one pm. Ignored them and went on with my day. I’m beyond used to them by now. However by five pm I knew it was different. The pain was radiating to my sides and back. I continued to ignore because well it’s just become a daily thing. But by one am they hadn’t stopped. Called and went into L&D.; I’m 70% effaced, 1 cm and station 1+. They sent me home because after an hour I hadn’t dilated past one cm. They said they would stop and normally they do. It’s now 10am and they haven’t stopped.

Can I contract like this for a couple of days and be in true labor or can this still be nothing? I just need to mentally prepare myself because I’m exhausted from daily contracting.

This is also my second child.