OVERDUE! & castor oil


4O+5 today - I've been having all the signs of labor for about a month now. The past few days I've been losing pieces of my mucous plug. I've had contractions but they don't stick. I took 1 tbs of castor oil mixed w/ OJ at 8:45 lastnight. 1O:45 comes & no contractions but my entire stomach tightened up & stayed that way for about 2 hours. 1:4O a.m I woke up to a few intense contractions but I was too tired to pay much attention. 8:3O a.m now - baby is moving around like crazy! I've had a few contractions. My body feels real sore. Went to the bathroom & there was a ton of mucous! *will update*


Took another tbs of castor oil mixed w/ OJ at 11 a.m. Went off roading & walked the mall for about an hour. Have had a few intense contractions. 3 p.m-4 p.m I spent running back & forth to the toilet. Currently 4 p.m - still having contractions. Going to give it an hour to see if they stick then going to l&d!


CURRENTLY IN L&D [8:3O pm]. 4 cm dilated but baby is still 'high'. Dr will check me again in an hour to see if they're admitting me!