Experiences? Sudden BP issues

𝐤𝐚𝐲𝐝𝐞𝐞 • ♡

I'm 32w4d. Four days ago my blood pressure was at 172/120. I had been feeling off for days before but it wasn't until someone suggested checking my blood pressure that I finally did. I went to the hospital, was sent to the OB unit and monitored. I was there around 3 hours, my BP did go down to 133/84 and they let me go home as my cervix was still at 3.5 length despite my contractions every 3-4 minutes. I hadn't been having too many symptoms aside from one bout of dizziness and a few headaches. I collected urine for 24hrs and turned it in Friday. BP was 142/86 on Friday. Was told to rest over weekend. This weekend I'm feeling a bit light headed at times, slightly dizzy. BP was 142/93 last night. I go back tomorrow mid-morning for my appointment.

Many experiences? I assume I'll get results from my urine tomorrow. I only had slight swelling in my feet. But I've tried to take it as easy as possible and my BP is still elevated. 4th pregnancy...never experienced any of this before.