Well guys She’s here 😭❤️😍


Penelope Joy Alley, 7lb 4 ounces, and 21 1/2 inches long.

Thursday the 12th, at 8:30 I sat down to eat and felt horrible. I was 38 weeks and struggling with PIH, so I thought it be best if I checked my blood pressure. 177/114, Highest it had been yet, so off to the hospital I go.. I show up, they monitor me for about an hour, check my cervix, I’m only 2cm dilated so they monitor me for another hour and around 11 they decide to induce me anyways because they couldn’t get my blood pressure down..

they started me on medicine to soften my cervix, but also had me on Magnesium to keep me from having seizures since my b/p was so high.

So Friday evening come around and the magnesium was preventing me from dilating, and my doctor told me they would have to do a c-section if there was no change by morning because I had become preeclamptic and they couldn’t hold off much longer.

I always wanted a vaginal birth but when Saturday morning came there was no change so they started prepping me for a c-section.. I wasn’t as upset as I thought I would be, I was so ready to meet my baby and make sure she was ok.

Anyways, they came in and took me back for my c-section, and I flipped out, threw up three times, then passed out. When I finally came to, they had a gas mask on me and I had no clue what was going on and I wasn’t awake long enough to ask.

2 hours later, I wake up to the nurse telling me everything was ok, and that the baby was doing great. ❤️

Even though my birth plan went completely out the window, it was all worth it in the end. I couldn’t have asked for a prettier, healthier baby ❤️😭