Someone explain to me why not having child is selfish.


My mother just old my niece, who's 8 years old, "Don't you want to give your mommy a grandbaby and me a great grandbaby some day?". L, my niece, just made a scrunched up face and then my mom says "I would like to have a great grand baby. I think your mom would appreciate a grandbaby. I think aunt Jinni [me] would like to play with another baby." Which I was washing the counter and promptly said "Sure, but it's also ok if you don't have babies." My mom just glares at me and says "One day you will want babies and boys won't be gross. We'll, less gross". She said all this this after they were having a playful conversation her friends at school, which lead to boys being gross. Typical conversation, but I don't think guilting her about her future decisions was the adult thing to do. Cally me salty, but grow up mom. That's not your kid and it's not your job to put pressure on her like that like you did us. If it weren't for your own shitty behavior, she wouldn't have been born to begin with (because my sister *never* want kids) and you'd still get to see your other grandbaby (my son). That woman is infuriating sometimes.