now i know where i stand

I gave my bf my laptop to put windows 10 on it yes I know I'm late , he said he hand the programs to install the said windows on my laptop.

my lap top went through a lot it has a a fake windows installed on it wish makes it difficult to use and a virus as well so I told him to fix it up ( he does this for a living and phones and tablets as well )

remember I said the laptop was not in the best condition and the keyboard was perfect.

now I gave him the computer since Fridays he bring it back tonight the windows 10 is not installed and the virus is still on it and my keyboard is pulled up and tell me its on the flash drive do it...

umm what ... oh OK so I let to scan run and its the same scan I tried already so basically he did nothing to my laptop but deface the keyboard .

I should of just left the laptop on my shelf because nothing was done to it and I feel a way cause when he ask me to do things for him I take my time and make sure I get it done properly