Tips to getting clear skin?


I don’t have acne but I have scarring from when I breakout and I have breakouts usually when I’m on my period or close to getting it, currently I have breakouts because I’m gonna get my period soon and I hate it so much. In the morning I use a vibrating cleanser thing with cetaphil facial wash and then put on bio oil with baby Johnson lotion (i use it because I have sensitive skin). And then before I sleep I cleanse my face again, same as the morning and then spray on witch hazel before bed. I’ve been doing this for about 2 weeks and my face is still the same. I eat VERY well (I’m very uptight about my health), I’m vegan and never eat junk or bad sweets and added oils. But I do forget to drink water a lot :(

I need some tips and good products.. but I can’t use too much because my skin is very sensitive and I’m allergic to a lot of brands including clean and clear, st.ives and the “yes to” brand.