My mom won’t take me serious and my tooth got pushed out of place (Posted twice so I can get more advice)


Yesterday I posted about my son head butting me in the mouth and it causing my tooth to actually move. Well I’m only 17 and still live with my parents, where I live having a baby doesn’t automatically emancipate you like it does other places so my mom is still in charge of my insurance and I can’t go to the doctor without her because she has to be the one that does the copay or whatever it’s called (stupid I know but it’s because I’m not a legal adult yet) but before she can do that she has to renew my insurance. She told me I’d have to wait two weeks to go to the dentist. She’s acting like it’s not a big deal and that I’m being a sissy and overreacting. My tooth is pushed behind one of my top front teeth (it’s not physically noticeable) but I’ve showed her the picture of it that I took of inside my mouth angled a certain way so she could see it. My gums are swelled up BAD. I woke up from a nap a little bit ago with my whole face swollen along with my lip. I’ve tried the liquid numbing medication you can get it didn’t work, orajel, Advil. Nothing’s helping. I can’t eat nothing but soup and I have to force myself to eat that, I can’t drink anything unless it’s out of a straw. The pain is constant. I keep trying to sleep as much as i can just so I can get away from the pain, but I obviously can’t sleep a lot because I have a two year old that needs me. This has been like this for almost three days. She does it about everything! I broke my foot in third grade, well she didn’t want to believe me because I wasn’t walking like i had a broke foot and I wasn’t acting like I had one, the next day she took me to the doctor sure enough I had a broken foot. Even when my water broke and I went into labor with my son she kept acting like I was just overreacting with my pain. I just don’t get why she’s like this. I’m terrified that if she makes me wait like this I will lose my tooth.

Also I look god awful in the pictures

so don’t mind that, I swear I don’t usually look that bad. I put that there to see if you guys thought my face was swollen as well.

Plus my birthday is in 10 days and all I wanted to do was go out to eat with my mom and son at this place we’ve never been to before now I more than likely won’t be able to do that because of my tooth. I’ll be spending my birthday at home in pain.😅

The tooth with the black circle around it is the one that got moved if you flip your phone upside down and look at the picture you can see it better.