Pet problems


I know this probably isn't the best place to post this but I'm running out of ideas at this point.. I've had my cat for three years and prior to moving into our new apartment she had only peed on one of my things when I went out of town for a weekend and left her by herself. Now that we're in a new apartment she's been peeing on things ever since we moved in (almost 4 months ago). I took her to the vet to make sure she doesn't have a uti or any other urinary issues, I clean her litter box everyday, I even bought a feliway diffuser that's supposed to reduce the likelihood of cats spraying again. I keep both of our bedroom doors shut and make sure not to leave any clothes laying around for her to pee on. I hate that it's gotten to this point but I don't know what else to do besides give her to another family where she may feel happier. My son was just born 7 weeks ago and I know she isn't getting as much attention so I wonder if this is her way of trying to get attention. I'm open to any suggestions if anyone may have any. I don't want to get rid of her but I'm losing my patience. I can't have her continuously peeing on our things and most importantly my son's things.