Unplanned Teen Pregnancy


I am 15, will be 16 once the baby’s born, and my due date is April 13th, 2018. As of today (October 16th) I am 14 weeks and 3 days along and we find out the gender in 3 days!

I have lost all of my close friends, including my best friend of almost 12 years who told the entire school. It’s been rough and I was being bullied so bad over it I was considering an abortion until I realized that I already loved my baby waay too much, even more so once I saw it on ultrasound and heard its heartbeat.

I’m transferring from public school to homeschooling soon and plan to graduate early. My boyfriend has been super supportive throughout this entire pregnancy, he pays for all of my appointments, brings me food, pays for baby things, and overall has been the best guy I could ask for in my life and as my baby’s father. I plan on being the best mom I can because my mom was killed when I was younger due to a very violent stepdad and uncle. I know what it’s like to live without your mother at a young age and I never want my child to go through that.

My family is much more supportive than I ever thought they would be and I’m blessed to have such an amazing boyfriend and a supportive family even though I no longer have friends. My period was only a day late when I took the tests below but I just felt like something was off. I told my boyfriend this and he said I was overreacting but bought me a test anyways, he has been the best dad imaginable ever since and I love him with all my heart.

I suffered from an eating disorder when I was 14 but have been recovering ever since. I gained 10 pounds before I got pregnant but still weighed 90 pounds. I am eating so much healthier and so much more food now that I’m pregnant and ever since my mom was killed I have been struggling with severe depression. This baby gives me something to live for, it saved me in a way, and even though I’m young I plan on being the best mom I can be and loving my child with ever fibre of my being, alongside its father.

I have seen 16 year olds raise their kids to be loving and happy and I have seen 32 year olds chose drugs over their kids. Age doesn’t matter, what kind of mom you are does