relationship with my mom/advice please!

Alissa • 🧒🏽🧒🏽👼🏽👧🏽🤰🏽happily married. 💗

sorry for the long post.

my moms an addict/alcoholic and all of my life my moms been physically and emotionally abusive. long story short we have very rocky relationship and we weren't talking for 2 months and 2 weeks ago that stopped and everything has been good. but today i had a baby appointment and she offered to babysit so my husband could come. well he had money in his drawer he counted before we left (because she steals from us a lot)and when we returned she had her shoes on ready to go kissed the boys and left. 5 minutes later my husband comes out and tells me $40 is missing from the underwear drawer and he says he doesn't want her in the house anymore. i just don't know what to do. its like she'll never change. any advice?!