I just needed to rant

So I let my SO's bm stay with us because she was homeless (ik big mistake, never again is that girl allowed in my house). I started forgetting who I was as a woman and started to forget about my morals. Long story short I kicked them out in August because she started being disrespectful and acting like it was her house nd he felt like I was tripping bc she never did it around him. About two weeks later he asked to come back apologizing and realizing how manipulative his bm is. Well last week he got a phone call from her saying she is pregnant, but it is not his. His bm is very loose (she cheated on him several times, including while she was pregnant with their child) so part of me believes that it is not his. But then again part of me believes that it is his and he just doesn't want to tell me bc he knows I will leave. We have been NTNP for baby #1 together and so far no luck. Part of me is envious of her bc she is not a great mother to the child she already has and now she has #2 otw. Family has always been important to me and I have been having babu fever so bad lately, I just want my own child. She also has made it very clear to me that her child is not mine even tho the few times she let's her come over i treat her as tho she is my own. Sorry ik this post is long I just had to get this off my chest.