Today was my due date but..

Traci • South Carolina

Today was my due date but our lil man arrived at 36w5d on Sept 23rd at 12:11pm. He was 8lbs 20in. He had problems breathing so he went to special care. 2 days later he had continued to get worst so he was transferred to a different hospital. They ended up having to intibate him which was the scariest worst thing i have ever seen or had to go through. He was on nitrosoxyde and feeding tube and had probelms with his blood pressure. He ended up spending 11 days in the NICU. Worst thing ive ever been through and i dont wish it on my worst enemy. He is now 3 weeks and 2 days old. After being on a feeding tube for a week then breastmilk through tube then to a bottle, he is breastfeeing like a champ since we got home. When we left hospital he was 7.13 as of friday he was back up to 8lbs 1oz. Hes such a stronger lil man.

Day he was born. 9.23

Two days old at NICU after being transferred.

Holding him for first time over a week old.

First picture of us 3.

mama and baby

2 weeks 2 days old

Today on our due date. Jaxon Raiden Cole