Losing Amira


I’m 25 and married with one son who’s two. My husband and I want at least 4 or five children. Before my son we suffered a miscarriage at 10 weeks (2014). Then in we had our son full term in 2015 who is now two. In 2016 we lost a little girl around 14 weeks. Now it’s happen again and on October 11, I lost our little who we named Amira at 21 weeks stillborn. I started having contractions when I got to the hospital the water sac was slipping out. During the ultrasound you can see my little fight to stay in but hanging half way out. The doctor said she was completely healthy but there was nothing they can do to stop the labor because the sac had already came down. So we waited until my water broke and then decided to induce labor more so I could have her because I was high risk for infection. On October 11, 2017 at 11:40 a.m I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. This is so hard that I feel like I’m losing it and I can’t catch up to everything around me. I’m struggling with the fact that kidneys infections caused this because that’s what the doctor thinks. What questions should I ask at my next appointment? Should I just give up on having kids at this point?