To my daughter

Miracle • Mom to Hazel Claire. Born October 1st '17🕊

The world could kill me and burry me in the cold ground but no matter what I'd come crawling back to earth to find you. You are in my heart and soul for eternity. There is nothing I wouldn't do for you. You are so perfect from your hair to your eyelashes to your rosy cheeks to your button nose all the way down to your little toes. I don't care that you keep me up all night. I don't want to forget you as a newborn. I don't mind singing to you and making you feel safe. You are safe here with mom and dad, always. I know I get upset sometimes but it's not your fault. I'm sorry if I'm doing things wrong but I won't stop trying. You are just so precious and delicate I don't know what to do sometimes. I know you see me cry but it's not because I'm mad or angry, it's because I'm sad. I'm sad because I know one day you're going to be too big to hold and you won't need me like you need me now. I'm sad because you're so perfect and I don't want the world to hurt you like it's hurt me.

You'll never be alone or isolated like I was. I will always listen to you and let you be your own little self. I love you so much. The word Love just isn't big enough but it'll have to do for now.