Life seems so unfair...

Im 24 been married 3 years, with my husband for 6 an been trying for almost 3 years. But I honestly feel like everything that can work against me is. I was sexually abused from a toddler until I was about 13 and big enough to fight back, I have endometriosis, PCOS, I was in a wreck in 2014 that really fucked me up and caused me to gain about 100lbs that I'm having a really hard time getting rid of, my husband is in the navy and works long hours and well theres deployments to deal with, hell even my blood type is working against me. I suffer from boughts of depression (mostly stemming from my husband being gone or thinking I'll never be one of the lucky ones) and im always anxious/stressed out with worry or trying to get everything done in a short amount of time. I get so stressed I just stop having my period, then i get excited thinking its my lucky day only to have it rubbed in my face by taking a test that I'm broken again (enter more stress and depression) and the doctors havent seemed to be any help. Everyone around me is getting pregnant, some multiple times, some who really dont need kids (i know that's a bad thing to say but if you treat your kids like trash you dont deserve them) and I cant even manage to get knocked up once. we've thought of all the options and while we could definitely take care of a baby on our own the extreme costs for <a href="">ivf</a>, and adoption are just out of our budget and

it really sucks. How do you guys deal with the pain? The baby fever is real, especially when his family (love them to death) reproduces like rabbits, mine on the other hand we get blessed with a baby maybe every 5-10 years or so. I have fucked up hips from the wreck I mentioned so me waiting until I'm 30+ probably isnt going for work out for me. So how do you guys do it? how do you stay strong? Some days i cant handle the feels everytime i see a baby my heart cracks and it hurts so bad, other days im just numb.