My Post-partum Journey....


In the first picture I was 4 months PP. Everything about my life had changed, as you know motherhood has a way of doing that. I loved my baby bump so much. I was so enamored with the way my body had changed to grow my little baby. I was less in love with how I felt after she came.

I was not feeling great about my still lingering baby pooch but I was not doing anything about it. I was in the throws of sleepless nights, nursing and eating to make it through. I was angry, tired, sore and having terrible headaches. I would have terrible outbursts of anger at my husband and mother, which I later discovered w

as PPD.

A few weeks later I had finally reached a breaking point. I was tired of feeling STRESSED, ANGRY, FATIGUED, ANXIOUS and HURTING! My baby deserved better, my husband deserved better and ➡I⬅ deserved better!

I started a 90 day challenge to work on me. My self-esteem, mentality and my body.

The last picture is day 90. Not only do I look different but I can also assure you I FEEL different. I have a positive outlook, I know and feel how blessed I am. I have energy to take care of my husband, baby and myself.

Now I am looking to spread this positive change to others. To help you become a more positive, less anxious version of yourself.