MIL wants me to do a home water birth... πŸ™…πŸ˜

So I'll start by saying I do understand the appeal of home or births center births. It seems, IF everything goes 100% according to plan, it can be a much more enjoyable experience. However, both my mother (with me) and my SIL had at least one completely normal, low risk pregnancies and labors up to the point of that time though, they had major complications that could not have been dealt with outside a hospital. With my niece, the OB even said "this is exactly why we recommend against home births...there was nothing to indicate anything would go wrong here until it did and if she had not had immediate medical attention the baby would have died." So I do understand the angle of wanting a lower stress delivery at home but I, personally, will never ever deliver outside a hospital because I know the possible negative outcomes. And I've also researched quite a lot and babies are 2-4 times more likely to die in an out of hospital birth than in hospital....and that's just considering low risk pregnancies....aka, best case scenarios. Again, you're free to have your own opinions but this is mine and I'm not going to change my mind.

Anyways, my MIL and SIL on my husbands side just have to keep talking to me about home water births and how great they are. My MIL is that person who will try to guilt you into anything... (even trying to control whether or not we find out the gender at 20 weeks simply because it was "more fun" for her to wait.) I don't know whether to ask her nicely to stop bringing it up since I'm not going to change my mind or if I should just let her keep talking and try to ignore it. What do you ladies think? Has anyone dealt with this and, if so, how did you handle it?