Drunk baby?

Okay so I want to start off by asking pls not to judge or comment anything rude.

Last night I had a Strawberita. I think it was 24 oz (the one that comes from the gas station). My baby is 4 weeks and EBF. I fed her and then pumped before I started drinking. I read on kellymom that you could resume breastfeeding when you no longer feel drunk and when she was hungry I no longer felt drunk but I gave her the bottle anyway to be safe and at her next feeding (maybe 2-3 hours after the bottle) I fed her from my breast she seemed fine. But now today she has been sleeping literally all day. I think she woke up maybe 2 times and for only about 20 minutes. Could it be possible she got some alcohol from my breast milk? What should I do if she did ? I feel really horrible and guilty 😔