My bf does not love me anymore.

Me and my bf met 3 years ago on fb we went out on dates back then he was really into me i was better looking more fit then a few months later i got pregnant sadly i gave birth to a baby boy at 22 weeks he was very small he had 0% of surviving i was really sad i did bit lose faith but then a few days later he got pnemonia and then his kidney start it to fail and he pass away the next day and a few days later we had a funeral and we buried our baby We where both really sad specially me.. everyday i would cry my heart out saying to God why me in a good person i dont deserved this i lost my faith in God i stop Caring for myself i was just really deppresed... but my bf i know he cared for our baby he did cry for a few days and then he was ok to his normal rutine but everything start it to change he would come home an argue with me for no reason I would just ignore and give him his space but everyday it would be the same damn thing I got really tired of putting up with this and I told him to leave I already had enough I lost my baby and now I lost my bf days went by he came to my house saying he was sorry that he didn't mean to hurt me and that he really loves me but I didn't know what to do so I talked to my mom and she told me just to think about whant in my life u guys already whent tru something sad u guys need to be together u think that ur baby would be happy that u guys are fighting over bullshit u guys need to grow up. if u give another chance to him and it does not work out end the relationship and so I did get back with him by the way we live with my parents still lol so another year went by we moved to a different city and then the same thing we start it to argue again we broke up this he left because he got mad that we where at the party and I told him I was leaving because I was feeling sick I had the flu I told him I would pick him up later but when he was calling me to pick him up my aunt came to visit me and usually my other uncle comes to visit so I told him babe my aunt is here u think maybe my uncle can drop u off.. he said some bad things to me and I honestly think I was really my fault there and he told u know what I'm tired of u not wanting to do what I tell u to do I was not with other ppl I was with ur uncle and I'm leaving because I'm tired of your family bullshit they don't like me and you know that and some point he is right some of my family member don't like him so then he left he was also drunk an few weeks went by he kept texting me and calling baby I'm sorry I'm an asshole let's try again and work thing out let's get our own place I promise I won't let you down this time and if I don't is over for good and my dumb ass again for getting back with him now I'm like his toy so 1 year went by again I got pregnant again I stop working because I have high risk pregnancy so we never gather money to get our new home.. then at 25 weeks I went into preterm labor they tried to stop the contraction for a whole week man I was really in a lot of pain but it. was worth it she is now 17 weeks old still in the hospital but she will be coming home soon but then again we keep arguing about my family he is tired of being treated bad my dad does not like him and sometimes he says stuff that hurts his feeling and mine also because my dad treats me like I'm a little girl and makes me do things like if I was single and my bf does not like that so now we argue a lot I feel like I'm childish 2 I feel like he doesn't love me anymore the other day I was at church and 2 other grown women where talking about him by his Nick name but they don't know that I know and they where saying look and his ex was much better than the one he has now that really hurt but I didn't say anything because first I was at church and I did not want to be rude like them but I really wanted to slap them both ... If u where in my situation what would u do.. and sorry if I can't spell or write is not my language.. thanks