Spotting after sex on CD9, some mittleschmert pain.

🖤His Dark Angel🖤👰+🤵🏽=🤴👼🏼🤴🏽👼🏼👸🖤 • G6P3-2-0-3. Im a SAHM to 2 lovely boys (3/15/07 and 9/4/12) 1 beautiful baby girl (7/25/18) and 2 chemical pregnancies (11/2011 &10/2018). Currently pregnant with our 4th and final baby. Really hoping for another baby girl.

why would I spot lightly on CD9, negative OPKs high fertility readings on Advanced OPKs. I had sex this AM but I don't spot from that usually. I did take soy isoflavones CD 3-7 mad started tribulus CD7. it's too early to ovulate right, especially with no positive opk?

My last opk

My chart.