Lost her at 16weeks ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING ⚠️


Well today at our checkup my worst nightmare came true. After getting some bad news about being carriers for a serious blood disorder we lost our baby today at 15w5d. Teagan Alannah Dalton will mark our 4th loss and our latest by 5 weeks. We knew with the news last week we were high risk of potentially losing her but we never thought it would really happen being so close to halfway through our pregnancy. Here we sit being induced to finally hold our baby Teagan in our arms and say goodbye. My heart is full of baby foot prints now and I just don’t know if we will ever get to hold another baby again. We are so heartbroken but we also are thankful that this time we will get to say goodbye to her and see her beautiful face.

I pray all you ladies never have to experience the loss of your babies. For those of you who share my foot-printed heartache I pray you heal and are blessed with healthy babies when your time comes. For now this is goodbye to my glow community.

Update: Our angel Teagan was born shortly after this post last night. It appears she may have had Turner’s Syndrome which caused her death. We are so grateful for all the support through this from you wonderful ladies and we know she was called to heaven too early but god has a plan for her so we must trust in him. I could barely bring myself to hold her but I did for as long as my heart could take. I don’t have any photos of us holding her but I want to share a photo of my beautiful angel. I will warn you it may be hard to see but this is the only place I can share her.

UPDATE 2: I just want to say thank you to everyone for your words of support and sharing your stories so similar to ours! We women are so strong but never as strong as we are together! Today we finally brought her home and received our professional photos from her birth I shared just a few below. We can finally begin to get some closure as we start our move into our new home we picked for space for her arrival and begin putting her memorial cubby together to hang on our wall with the rest of our children’s photos. Soon we will have her pathology results and be able to complete our closure.