**TMI** Question for women who have had experience with this 🤔🤔 UPDATE


Hi everyone. So I'm experiencing my second yeast infection in my whole life (both occurred during this pregnancy).

So I went out last night and bought monistat 1. I've used the 7 day before and had no problems but I hated the whole week using that cream bc my husband and I couldn't have sex (dumb excuse I know). So that's why I bought the one day this time. I used it last night and almost immediately felt SO itchy!! But I fell asleep anyway.

I woke up this morning feeling super weird down there. I take a shower and feel that my labia is SO SWOLLEN!!! It's crazy how swollen I am. So I wash with dove and rinse/dry off, go to class and come home all while not really being able to sit comfortably.

I go to my Drs appt that I had scheduled for today and she takes a look and confirms a yeast infection (which monistat 1 made WORSE) and she prescribes me a pill ( fluconazole 150mg) and a 7 day cream (nooooo!!!!) it's terconazole .4%

Would you guys take this right away??? The monistat 1 day already had such a high dosage of medicine that I'm kind of scared to take more medicine right after for the sake of my baby (I'm 30.5 weeks)

What do I do??

Update: when I went to the Dr. she was 100% sure from looking at me down there that It was a yeast infection. Well I got my results back and it was negative! I'm so glad I didn't take the medication I would've felt so guilty 😞