Glucose Testing


So I'm getting myself all worked up... for something I truly have no control over - but I could use some words of advice or encouragement...

My daughter (born in may '16) was 9lbs 6oz. We weren't surprised, as she was over a week late and we were told that the mothers birth weight usually has some correlation (I was 9lbs 8oz). They made her go through a bunch of testing for juvenile diabetes before we left the hospital, but she had no issues.

I'm currently 9 weeks and they are making go for glucose testing already. (And apparently ill have to retest again later in the pregnancy) This is apparently because of my daughter birth weight- it can be an indicator apparently. My real issue here is that I am so nauseous that I can barely keep things down, even water. How am I going to take this test? I'm so worried just thinking about it. It is making me feel sick even thinking about it...

Ugh. I need to suck it up. Thanks for listening at least!