Kaepernick files grievance against NFL


So I know this topic in general has been discussed quite a bit here but as of a couple days ago, Kaepernick filed a lawsuit for collusion.

I was wondering what his next move would be should he not get signed (before the season started). I assumed there would be some form of protest from his supporters but I was curious to see what his reaction/public statement would be.

Do you guys think he will be successful in his lawsuit? From what I’ve read he went through an arbitrator with his own personal hired council, rather than the NFL’s players association. What I’m gathering is that the arbitrator has a limited amount of time to respond so an outcome hasn’t been announced as of yet. If anyone is savvy in this process please feel free to correct me on the steps.

I’ve stated before that whether or not you agree with Kaepernick’s methods of protesting or the basis of his protests in the first place, the public should not persecute him to the degree of which they have. In my opinion; we have players like Michael Vick who got an endorsement deal after what he did to all those dogs and even got signed. I’m sure there is much more but I’m not very involved in sports news (unless it makes national headlines like this) so I can’t think of the others of the top of my head. If his actions can be overlooked why can’t Kaepernicks?

Even if you agree with Kaepernick, what do you think the opposing side/the NFL will use in their defense? I’ve seen comments such as “he was just a back up starter(?)” and “he was offered a deal with ______ but then sent them a racist tweet so they withdrew their offer” or “he wasn’t a very good player anyways”. Again, not involved in sports but to those of you who are- is he any good on the field?

What do you guys think will happen? If you feel you’ve already discussed this topic till your face has turned blue feel free to not participate, I’ll be the first to admit that happens here sometimes lol. I am however interested to hear thoughts on this latest revelation pertaining to this whole controversy from those who wish to participate!