Anyone here diagnosed bipolar?


I’m feeling like I’m going crazy and as I read more and more about bipolar disorder it seems to fit my personality. Can it develop in adulthood? I’m turning 21 soon and have only been diagnosed with depression when I was a teenager. After my miscarriage last year thing have totally changed with me. One being my mood. I’m all over the place and it’s affecting my relationship with family and boyfriend. I get so irritable i take it out on everyone, I get so happy out of no where. And so sad that suicide has been considered. (Don’t worry I’ve spoke to people when feeling that way) I’m just tired of living like this, and having my emotions change at the drop of a hat. Just wondering if anyone has been through the same or felt the same... I don’t know what to do... I fee like if I go to a dr. And say “I think I may be bipolar” they will think I’m crazy.