Not sure how I feel.

I’ve been with my fiancé for just over three years and things have started to change. I think I’m falling out of love with him, he’s constantly putting me down but is very possessive he’ll go through my phone, or if I decide to wear makeup and dress nicely he’ll ask who I’m going to fuck and call Me a slut. his family are constantly calling me trash and useless, I just feel stuck. He can let his temper get the best of him when I bring up a topic of discussion that he doesn’t like. These feelings have been lingering for a while. Like I want to start over with someone new but I’m “inlove” with him, am I stupid for giving him another chance even though he’s cheated? He promised it would never happen again. When we have our good days I feel like everything’s like it was when we first started dating, but on our bad days (which are more frequent lately) I feel down in the dumps because of what he says out of anger. And I’m starting to question whether he’s the one for me.. should I bring up my feelings in a discussion even if it ultimately ends in disaster?