My nerves are bad


Okay so I'm 5 weeks and a few days and I had to rush to the E.R. Yesterday morning. As soon as I got to work I felt wet so I went to the bathroom and there was blood. More than spotting. No cramps no backache, just bright red blood. I immediately called the doctor while on the toilet (ugly crying of course) freaking out. Went to the E.R. Did blood work and an ultrasound. They said everything looked fine and that it was just "normal pregnancy bleeding" I've never heard of that before. By the time I made it to a room the bleeding had slowed to actual spotting. The spotting stopped around 6:30 last night. Today I'm having like brown sludge spotting. I just need reassurance that I'm okay.... I didn't even get a doctor yesterday.... I had a nurse practitioner who really didn't give me any answers at all (they weren't much help at all). I'm just so scared I'm going to lose my little nugget. Thanks ladies

Edit: I also asked what my hcg levels were and they said 5,000 and the normal for 5w is 500-8,000 so I guess that's a good thing