Hello everyone, looking for guidance


Hi everyone. My name is Jenny. Looking for some guidance. I’m going to be 36 in a few months and I have never been pregnant. About 5 years ago I seen a fertility specialist. He did extensive blood tests, ultrasounds, the works and finally a last option of exploratory surgery. So when he went in to do the surgery, I had extensive scar tissue in my uterus which he gave me a D&C;, my tubes were/are open. Basically after that told me .. “now go get pregnant”, I Haden’s gotten pregnant within 6 months and he did further tests, basically he was stumped saying I ovulate, my tunes are open, uterus looks good. But after that I never went back. (I lost insurance) I’ve never been in clomid or Metformin (I THINK I have PCOS) he didn’t diagnose it but said I did have cysts on the outside of my ovaries he removed when he did the surgery and reading about PCOS I do have like 9/10 symptoms. I just NOW got a job with benefits (I decided to go back to school in those few years to increase financial status. So what do I do now? In the meantime I’ve tried preseed, ovulation kits, I bought Maca, Serra peptase, Vitex which I didn’t take. Besides those I’ve tried everything short of dancing naked in the rain on a full moon praising a fertility god which is happily do if proved effective. I just need guidance. I’m going to be 36, never pregnant and I feel like my dreams of motherhood are slipping through my fingers.