Insensitive remarks on my miscarriage

Okay I’m 36 and have 2 boys already, wasn’t officially trying for #3 but it happened and I was happy thinking this could be my girl. Unfortunately I had a loooonnngggg horrible miscarriage. I really hate the question “were you trying” like seriously does it matter? I was pregnant, this was my baby and I wanted her/him. 😡 And the other one “at least you have 2 healthy kids” yes I do, but I really wanted this one too 😭 then the “you will be at our baby shower won’t you” from one or the “when your ready can you help plan my baby shower” from another. Then hubby “I’d rather you over a baby, obviously something was wrong with it” (I had pre-eclampsia with the first 2)

I WANTED THIS ONE, IT WAS A PART OF ME. A part of my heart is now gone and no one understands 😫