single mom...

Mommas I'm in desperate need of advice and a voice telling me what direction to take😔 I aplogize for how long this post will be..

I'm currently 14w2d with my first, and this is the fathers second

I've been with the father for almost 2 years and I've dealt with more than I should. Last year I was on his Facebook and found out he was looking up a bunch of random college girls in our town, as well as one of his ex's(not his first childs mom). The same ex he has gone back to after every break up he's had, I just recently found out. He didn't message any of them unless he deleted messages before I seen them. As far as I could tell he was just looking them up. We got into a fight about it and talked it through. He told me he just doesn't feel attracted to me sometimes and that's why he did it. Shoulda left then..

This past Monday we had an ultrasound; Tuesday morning I was on his Facebook and he was looking up girls again. Then I checked his Instagram and sure enough, he also searched for his ex's profile😒

I'm at a loss on what to do. We just moved to a new town because he wanted to be by his family, I don't know anyone here and my closest family is an hour away. I have no job yet and he just sold my car and gave me none of the money. He said it was my contribution to bills. He's become very financially controlling and yells at me for everything. The other day I asked for money for shampoo because I had been out for a couple days, he said I can go to the dollar store for soap then yelled at me about money when I complained that their cheap soap doesn't get my hair clean.

His mom and I are close and she's offered me to live with her. But i don't know what to do. I don't want to be with him anymore but I'm terrified he will completely leave and my child won't have a daddy. Or that i won't have my stuff in order by the time the baby comes and he will get full custody. He has a job, car and the house we are in. I have nothing.