Needing some answers.. has anyone here been through something like this?

Emma • 28. PCOS. 🇨🇦

Hi there!! I’m really sorry if this isn’t allowed here, but I didn’t know where else to post and I’m hoping I can find at least one person who may know a little something about this...

If you’ve read one of my previous posts then you’ll know that my SO and I are in the process of bringing his daughter home to live with us.. (see that previous post for info because it’s a long story, and there’s updates in the comments too)

Now, the foster family that she has been in care with sent my SO a text the other day that basically implied that if things don’t go their way and my guy doesn’t change his mind about taking his daughter that they’ve talked to a lawyer and will possibly pursue keeping her with them in court...

So the question I’m needing replies to is this... could they even do that? Would they have any bearing? Our social worker told us that my SO has total parental rights, and when he told her that they sent us that message she was not happy about it (and that’s not the only messages they’ve sent us that she’s not impressed with...). So, could they actually do that and win?