Mysterious Leak in Bathroom


Okay ladies, I know this is COMPLETELY unrelated, but I'm at my wits end with this. To start off, there was a leak a couple weeks ago in the bathroom. It surrounded the toilet, but we were able to find the leaky bolt and had a plumber come out and fix it. It hasn't leaked since. Today, I used the bathroom around 10:30, and there was no puddle. But when i got home from being out for a couple hours, I walked into the bathroom to find a puddle of water as pictured in my shitty toilet drawing. The puddle is the green outline.

As you can see, the puddle DOES NOT touch the toilet, it just seemed to go around it with a good, even centimeter of space between the toilet and the puddle. I felt around for a good few minutes on nearly EVERY part of the toilet, and it was completely dry. Not a lick of wetness was found on the toilet. From what I can see and feel, there are no cracks in the floor, either, so I don't think it's groundwater. And the ceiling is pristine, which means it's not coming from there either. So, my question is, what the FUCK is going on in my bathroom?