Good luck to you all...


I had a scan last Friday the 13th and my doctor confirmed that the baby has not grown and it is not a viable pregnancy. We were heartbroken but we had a feeling it was coming (we found out my hcg had dropped earlier in the week and the week prior we found out that we were measuring more than a week behind).

On top of all the terrible news, I discovered that day that the “cold” that I was battling for almost 3 weeks was actually the beginnings of pneumonia 🙄. I was able to get the meds I needed to get better and have decided to focus on myself. I have my D&C; scheduled for tomorrow morning. I still have a little chest congestion but I’m hoping that they’re able to proceed with the surgery. Between the pneumonia and the fear of miscarrying naturally, I’ve been out of work for 2 weeks. I’m just ready to get back to normal. I want to thank everyone here for their encouraging words and for sharing their own experiences. I hope to be back soon with happier news but for now I’m going to be looking out for number one.