This makes me sick

Heather • Wife💍, Mommy to: London 7/6/18🎀 Dakota, Due9/7💙

One of my friends posted this on Facebook today. I myself and also my husband are recovering addicts. So I know what it's like to struggle with addiction however there comes a time when you have to either get yourself straight or admit that you need some help with your child. It makes me so angry that a lot of women including myself are struggling to conceive and here's these two morons nodded out with their baby next to them. Why do they deserve a child ? Ridiculous. I hope someone looks into these parents and puts them in jail or a court gets them the help they need. Jail is what worked for me and I've been clean over a year. My life is completely turned around and I'm growing everyday.

Even though I understand how hard it is I just don't understand doing this to your child.