One side pain? Ovary swollen?

Haylee • first time mommy • nursing student • runner • cat lover

Hey, ladies. I'm a first timer here and I'm worried. My right side has occasional sharp-ish pains and it appears that my right ovary is larger than the other side. I can tell by touch and looking at it. I'm nervous about an ectopic. I've had no bleeding, though.

I've heard of corpus leuteum cysts, which I understand are actually a good sign and harmless in most cases. I'm just unsure on how to tell the difference.

I'm 7 weeks tomorrow based on lmp, however my first u/s isn't until 11 weeks. Should I go to the ER tonight after class, or wait and call my OB?

Any advice or thought to ease my mind? Thanks so much in advance. 💕