Rh- no anti D.

So this is a question for the rh- moms who DID NOT get the anti D injection with a rh+ baby. With your second pregnancy, did you have any complications? The reason I'm asking is because with my first born I did not get the anti D and he was rh+. After the birth I had a 4 degree tear and had multiple stitches, 3 injections into the tear and I have a phobia of needles. However they only told me I was rh- the day after I gave birth and that's when they said I needed the anti D injection. I had been poked and prodded, no sleep before or after the birth and still out of it on gas and air, in so much pain I said no to it because I just wanted to go and be out of pain I didn't want any more needles, I was 110% POSITIVE I did not want any more children after that I was really traumatised. Now I know how selfish and stupid I am i feel terrible. It's on my mind all day every day to the point I'm secretly hiding away to cry my heart out because I would love two more children. I don't need anyone telling me how stupid and selfish I am because I already know and feel so guilty and ashamed. I just want to know if anyone had a healthy second pregnancy in the same position as I am in.