

OMG!! Everything is stressing me out I am so pissy all the time. My kids aren't listening right now my husband isn't helping as much as he could I will be 33 weeks tomorrow and I am doing everything on my own pretty much. Finishing the nursery, cooking dinners, cleaning, laundry, homeschooling my kids, grocery shopping and more I know I am a stay at home mom but I need a break sometimes too. I don't get to just come home after working 8 hours and say I am done for the day, I will eat, take a shower and go to bed ( that's my husbands job). On weekends I still do the same things while hubby just sits in the recliner watching football. I hate feeling this way but I am so mad and tired of it. I feel like the maid and that's it. I know everything is amplified because I am pregnant but dang enough is enough. Just letting it all out😇