Busy Ladies Feeling Stressed Out!?


I have a very demanding job and frequently travel for work. I am 16wks and honestly have been so busy I haven't even had a chance to enjoy the fact that I'm pregnant or even focus on the fact that I'm having a baby! Eek! My mom and MIL keep asking me all these questions about planning for stuff and I havent put much thought into anything yet. My honey works alot too and is not much of a planner so neither one of us have really been bringing up much baby stuff. The weeks are already flying by, and I know little bubs will be here before you know it. As a FTM, I'm trying to read "What to Expect" when I have time but I have no clue when I need to start a registry, start buying stuff, look for a pediatrician, look into daycare, etc! Just getting to my regular OB appts has been a feat! Any other busy ladies feeling overwhelmed?! Any insight into how to get organized these next few months?