Birthday Disappointment

Today I'm 33. I always tell myself not to expect much of anything every year because it doesn't seem to be a big deal to anyone (and hasn't been for a long time, except to my daughter for some reason she does, like it were her own). Anyway, I've been with my SO for 5+ years now. We have a son who's two and a half, and expecting our second in December, and presently for months have been looking at homes in hopes of finding one to buy, but nothing yet (stress and disappointment there). While it doesn't need to be on my birthday or typical holiday, I'm patiently holding out that he will finally propose as he knows I've wanted to be married for a long time now. This morning, first thing, he wishes me a happy birthday and hands me a ring box. I had hoped that it may happen today, just because it's been so long already, but I remained calm and casual upon opening it. It's a beautiful ring. He knows jewelry I'm fond of style wise so well that he never disappoints. However, an engagement ring it wasn't, but a pretty white gold band with a small heart shaped October birth stone in the middle. It's a nice ring, truly, but I hate that I'm bummed about yet another ring that isn't THE ring (he's bought me a good amount of rings, over the years, hence why I didn't want to get worked up before opening it). Am I wrong or petty for feeling like I do? He made breakfast, but that was the extent of "my day". 😣😖😕