Hate to admit this but.....

Now I know from having my first born that sometimes things just get to you and there is nothing you can do about. For the past two nights now, my newborn has been up all night long crying cause she is hungry then once I feed her she passes back out. So yes I hate to admit it but I’m frustrated, I’m annoyed, and I’m angry. I just literally wanna sleep just for a few hours and I’ll be decent again. The nurse woke me for meds which I’m not happy about, all of them have left me alone until I asked for them, then this nurse hovers over me until I’ve finished them. I’m already half awake and highly annoyed, don’t be shoving drugs at me. Then she is telling me to wake the baby to feed, okay first off she is sound asleep finally so no and secondly are you gonna deal with her when she won’t go back to sleep? I know what time I need to wake her by if she doesn’t eat yet. I’m sorry for the long post, just needed a rant, I’ve already cried to my boyfriend cause I just wanted sleep.

Update 10/20: Thank you everyone! I naturally have depression and anxiety from a past mentally abusive relationship. I know what is ahead for sleepless nights, I was the one who only took care of my son when he was an infant. My ex would throw a fit cause he was woken up. My boyfriend wants to help in every way but doesn’t know how (first time dad) and where I’m breast feeding he says he doesn’t have a boob to whip out (joke he made). I’m much better today, I think earlier I was just so exhausted going on only about 2-4 hours sleep from the previous early morning. I ended up giving in to giving my daughter some formula. One cause she isn’t waking up enough to feed, two I wanted sleep, three she is worrying me cause the nurses would come in every hour during the day cause of her sudden weight loss and the jaundice that was slowly forming. They are retesting her at 6am.