Looking for some advice for people with PCOS


Does anyone else have PCOS? I have it and even when I do ovulate I end up with a chemical pregnancy. In February I miscarried, In April I had a chemical pregnancy and in July I had another chemical pregnancy. My dr put me on baby aspirin in June and I saw her again the end of September and has told me to just keep trying and now to start charting my temperature. She told me that we have to be tryin a year before she will give me anymore medicine. I am now charting my temperature however I’m unsure of how to tell when I’m supposed to be ovulating. I thought about also trying an ovulate kit but I’m afraid if won’t work, especially if I don’t ovulate this month. We are getting so discouraged and don’t know what else to do.

I am a little over weight but no matter what I don’t lose it, I don’t gain but I can’t lose it either. I’m 28 and he’s 30, neither have any children.

Anyone else in our situation or have any advice?