Pre term labor


So 8:30 this morning after dropping my oldest off at school I started getting back pain. I told myself that if I ignored it that it would go away. Hours later around 2pm I was getting ready for work and decided to call off and head to the hospital just to be safe because nothing had changed. All hooked up to the monitor and the contractions started. Just contractions not dilation. Nurse told me I could have 3 shots total of a drug that would help stop the contractions, 3 shots later they came in to give me more saying I could have 6 all of a sudden. 6 shots later I’m starting to dilate and am fully considered pre term labor. Here I lay with my iv fluid and magnesium? drip in hopes that my little lady calms down. And here I thought I was wasting the hospitals time that everything was fine. I’m not due until December 9th!