Am I Crazy?


I'm new here. Married 5 months, 3rd of 8 children from my parents but I ALWAYS wanted kids (like if I had no career or anything to "occupy my time" besides my own children I would still feel like the luckiest mom ever) I've been tracking my periods for over a year now and once my <a href="">Eve</a> app got into MY rhythm, it's been perfect, every time it says I'm gonna start, it's happened. Until last week. Hubby and I haven't been TTC but we don't use BC either beside PO method. My period is 5 days late and it's been at least 2 weeks since we got to do the deed. I've been feeling a little off/different lately, no breast pain or tenderness, but minor cramping of the uterus. I took a digital pregnancy test 2 days ago and got a negative. I'm still cramping and a little dizzy on occasion. I just can't tell if I 'feel' pregnant because I want to be or if I am and it's just not showing up yet. Please help.