Worst experience everšŸ˜£šŸ˜’


Okay so I had my first child last year in August. Let me tell you it was every birth story dream: I woke up, my water broke, I showered and made myself clean...went to the hospital at 10am, they admitted me and my contractions started around noon. They were 4 minutes apart and I just needed to take breaths during them. I was 4cm dilated and they gave me the epidural. After that I didnā€™t feel a thing and it was absolutely a piece of cake. I did however have an emergency c section because his heart rate dropped. It was still a piece of cake tho.

Fast forward to two days ago when I gave birth to my second son. I was always planning on a VBAC (vagina birth after c section) which is risky because my uterus could rupture and I also got pregnant so close together. Long story short, I started feeling contractions that were 5 min apart so I went in. They were getting stronger and stronger and more closer together like 2-3min apart. The nurse insisted on sending me home because I was only 1cm dilated. I said u got to be kidding me, thereā€™s no way I can go home and ā€œrelaxā€. I couldnā€™t walk move or talk during these contractions. Whatever what do I know right ? I go home about ten min later Iā€™m in full blown labor. We rush back to the hospital and Iā€™m 7cm dilated there was no time for an epidural or barely even to get the IV in me. I pushed him out all natural 20min later.

So that sounds good and easy and all but it was the absolute worst experience of my entire life. Nowhere in my plan was to do it all natural. It had to be the most pain I have ever been in. I really wish I could sue the nurses because how dare they send me home when Iā€™m telling them I donā€™t feel okay. It was a wasteless trip home and just put more stress on me and the baby. And whatā€™s worse is I was trying for a vbac so I easily couldā€™ve died. I mean...his head was practically coming out in the car. Iā€™m leaving out all the pain details to keep this short and sweet but I pretty much was screaming for an emergency c section. And whatā€™s worse is no one was taking me seriously about being in labor. My husband dropped me off in the front while he parked the car and I screamed help! So a transporter pushes me in the wheelchair and the first thing everyone wanted to do was get my information (meanwhile I was just there an hour ago) and Iā€™m in full blown labor !!!! I am very unhappy with how my whole situation played out. Looking on the bright side, I can say I had a successful vbac, all natural, and out came my healthy baby boy.